Six Assumptions You Should Never Make When It Comes To Your Septic Pumping Needs


Homeowners with plumbing systems that include a septic tank need to be informed about their needs when it comes to septic pumping service. Unfortunately, some homeowners are misinformed and therefore make inaccurate assumptions about septic pumping.

The following are six assumptions you should never make when it comes to your septic pumping needs. 

You don't need to have septic pumping done if you use certain additives.

Some companies that sell septic tank additives may try to convince you that you won't have to schedule septic pumping if you use their products. However, this is not necessarily the case.

Although additives containing certain enzymes and microbes may facilitate sewage digestion, your tank may still need to be pumped out even if you use such products. You should have your septic service inspect your tank regularly and determine if you are in need of pumping rather than assuming that pumping is unnecessary. 

You have to wait until your septic tank is completely full to have it pumped out.

It's not true that you can only have your septic tank pumped out when it is "full." In fact, a septic tank is always technically full of a combination of water and solids. You should have your tank pumped as often as your septic service recommends regardless of the number of solids in your tank at any given moment. 

You can put anything down your drains as long as you have septic pumping done when needed.

Septic pumping cannot make up for improper use of your plumbing fixtures. That's why it's so important to know what you can and can't put down your drains. Make sure that everyone in your household knows not to put trash, sanitary napkins, and hair down your drains.

You should also make sure that members of your household aren't flushing wipes down your toilets even if they are labeled as "flushable." Although wipes might flush, they may not disintegrate within your septic tank like toilet paper. Wipes in your septic system can accumulate and cause clogs eventually. 

It's not cost-effective to pay for septic pumping.

Septic pumping is a necessary maintenance expense to minimize the costs of having a working septic system. Although you'll have to pay for septic pumping service, this service can prevent far more costly repair needs for your septic tank if you neglect to pump and experience an issue such as a clog or leak. 

Your septic tank can last forever if you schedule routine septic pumping.

While septic pumping can optimize the condition of your septic tank and may extend its lifespan, you will still eventually need to have your septic system replaced even if you regularly schedule septic pumping. 

A septic system always needs to be replaced when it becomes clogged.

Although some septic systems need to be replaced when they become excessively clogged, a clogged septic tank can be restored in many situations. Septic pumping may be effective at removing a clog and getting a septic system working again without a complete replacement.  

For more information about septic pumping, contact a local company. 


8 September 2022

Fast Facts and Deep Insights: Septic Edition

As you read the articles on this website, you will notice two things. First, they are all about septic services in some ways. Second, some go deep — and others are full of more surface-level facts. This is kind of like your septic system itself! The tank is buried deep, but the drain field is more superficial. You don't have to be an expert on septic systems, but as someone who owns one, you should at least know how to tell when something is wrong with yours so you can call for service. You'll get that level of understanding from this blog — and probably more!